Art Museum Libraries and Librarianship
(Occasional Paper No. 16)
Co-Published with the Scarecrow Press
Edited by Joan M. Benedetti, Foreword by Michael Brand, Introduction by Ann B. Abid.
The first publication of its kind, Art Museum Libraries and Librarianship looks at every facet of art museum librarianship. Topics range from the day-to-day activities of museum librarians to major capital projects and management challenges common to this highly specialized and under-examined field.
The editor, Joan Benedetti, has compiled 61 essays from over 40 practicing art museum librarians to illuminate the multivalent field of art museum librarianship in all its diverse settings. The book, co-published with the Scarecrow Press, is organized into sixteen chapters, each including 3-5 essays. These chapters address the topics of leadership, reader services, automation, security, cataloging, space planning, collection development, visual resources, ephemera, special collections, archives, fundraising, public relations, volunteers and interns, professional development, and solo librarianship.
336 p., 90 illustrations
Cloth: $82.50 / ISBN 0-8108-5918-1, 978-0-8108-5918-0
Paper: $49.50 / ISBN 0-8108-5921-1, 978-0-8108-5921-0
Contact the Scarecrow Press to purchase this title.