To identify and develop the conference program, including the selection of speakers, tours, workshops, and other programmatic elements, for the assigned conference year. Ensures the society’s annual conference addresses the needs of ARLIS/NA, its members, and the art information profession. A committee is formed for each conference year; multiple CPACs may concurrently exist, each for their assigned conference year.
2024 CPAC Programming Subcommittee
Courtney A Hunt
M.A., M.S.I.S.
Art & Design Librarian and Assistant Professor
Michele Jennings
Special Collections Instruction Librarian & Assistant Professor
Stephanie Kays
Fine Arts Librarian & Liaison for WGST
Committee Member At-Large
Megan Milewski
Assistant Librarian
Committee Member At-Large
Mimosa Shah
Master of Science in Library and Information Sciences, Master of Arts in Humanities
Reference Librarian
Committee Member At-Large
John Russell
Digital Humanities Librarian
Committee Member At-Large
Stefanie Hilles
M.A., M.L.I.S
Arts and Humanities Librarian
Poster Session Coordinator
Mackenzie Salisbury
Information Literacy Librarian
Alison L Huftalen
Substitute Librarian
Materials Editor & Sched Editor
Patricia Gimenez
Director, Art Library
Karyn M Hinkle
Director of the Fine Arts & Design Library
2024 CPAC Local Arrangements Subcommittee
Jill Chisnell
Art & Design Librarian
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Lynn Kawaratani
Liaision Librarian for Architecture
Local Arrangements Co-Chair
Mark Pompelia
Visual + Material Resource Librarian
Local Conference Development Co-Coordinator
Jon Evans
Chief of Libraries & Archives
Local Conference Development Co-Coordinator
Shoshana Vegh-Gaynor
Instruction and Reference Librarian
Tours and Transportation Coordinator
Anne Kramer
Executive Assistant
Tours and Transportation Support
Kate Joranson
Head Librarian, Henry Clay Frick Fine Arts Library
Stephanie H Grimm
Art and Art History Librarian and Fenwick Gallery Manager
Heather Slania
Director of Decker Library, MICA
Chloe Misorski
Cataloging Librarian
Hospitality Desk / Volunteer Coordinator
Jessica M Evans Brady
Research & Collections Librarian