Affiliated Organizations

ARLIS/NA actively seeks both informal and official collaborative relationships with other arts and information organizations to further the goals of art information professionals. The society encourages its members who belong to other relevant organizations to share information from other professional sources that may be of interest to ARLIS/NA and to convey related society information to peers in other arts organizations.

Benefits of official affiliation may include the exchange of publications, membership lists, and conference information; reciprocal complimentary conference registration for the president and executive director of affiliates; reciprocal conference registration at members rates for the membership of affiliated organizations; the exchange of membership lists, advertising privileges in affiliates' publications, and the posting of information on affiliates' listservs and other communications channels.

Additional information regarding affiliation can be found in the ARLIS/NA Policy Manual sections R-5 and R-6.

ARLIS/NA issues an annual call for volunteers for liaisons. Questions about the appointment process may be directed to the ARLIS/NA Vice President/President-Elect.

Affiliated organizations and appointed liaisons include:
*indicates informal affiliation

Affiliate Liaisons

  • Leah Reilly Sherman

    Leah Reilly Sherman

    Visual & Performing Arts Librarian

    ALA/ACRL Arts

  • Katelyn Borbely

    Technical Services Librarian


  • Nick E. Curotto

    Cataloging, Systems, & Digital Services Librarian

    ALA/MARC Advisory Committee

  • Sherman Clarke

    Sherman Clarke


  • Deborah Elizabeth Brown Stewart

    Deborah Elizabeth Brown Stewart

    Head, Museum Library, University of Pennsylvania


  • Tess Colwell

    Arts Librarian for Research Services


  • Scott Davis

    Head of Research Library


  • Sarah Osborne-Bender

    Head of Technical Services


  • Holly Hatheway

    Head, Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology


  • Sarah M. Wade

    Special Collections Archivist


  • Ann B. Whiteside

    Ann B. Whiteside

    BA, MLS

    Assistant Dean for Information Services


  • Karen A Bouchard

    Arts & Humanities Librarian
