Distinguished Service Award Recipients
2023, presented 2024: Judy Dyki / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Lori Salmon
2022, presented 2023: Marilyn Russell / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Jon Evans
2021, presented 2022: Louis Adrean / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Beth Owens and Rachel McPherson
2020, presented 2021: Deborah Kempe / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Daniel Starr
2019, presented 2020: Milan Hughston / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Mark Pompelia
2018, presented 2019: Janis Ekdahl / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Chantal Sulkow
2017, presented 2018: Kathryn Wayne / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Gregory P. J. Most
2016, presented 2017: Elizabeth O'Keefe / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Maria Oldal and Marie-Chantal L'Écuyer-Coelho
2015, presented 2016: Ann Baird Whiteside / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Jolene de Verges, Sherman Clarke, and Mark Pompelia
2014, presented 2015: Daniel Starr / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Ted Goodman and Sherman Clarke
2013, presented 2014: Joan Benedetti / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Jon Evans
2012, presented 2013: Ted Goodman / Convocation remarks
2011, presented 2012: Rosemary Furtak (1943-2012) / Convocation remarks (by Janice Lea Lurie)
2010, presented 2011: Margaret Webster / Convocation remarks
2008, presented 2009: Patricia Barnett / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Eric Wolf
2007, presented 2008: Susan Craig / Convocation remarks
2005, presented 2006: Sherman Clarke / Convocation remarks & Introduction by Elizabeth O'Keefe
2004, presented 2005: Nancy S. Schuller (1940-2011)
2003, presented 2004: Angela Giral
2002, presented 2003: Nancy Allen / Convocation remarks
2001, presented 2002: Betty Jo Kish Irvine / Convocation remarks
2000: no award made
1999, presented 2000: Pamela J. Parry / Convocation remarks
1998, presented 1999: Toni Petersen
1997, presented 1998: William Dane (1923-2019)
1996, presented 1997: Lois Swan Jones (1927-2006)
1995: no award made
1994, presented 1995: Mary Williamson / Convocation remarks
1993: no award made
1992, presented 1993: Luraine Tansey (1918-2014)
1991, presented 1992: William B. Walker (1930-2017)
1990, presented 1991: Jacqueline Viaux (1913-1998)
1989, presented 1990: Wolfgang M. Freitag (1924-2012)
1988, presented 1989: Caroline Backlund (1920-2016)
1987: Antje B. Lemke (1918-2017)
1986: Bernard Karpel (1911-1986)