Melva J. Dwyer Award

Rewards exceptional reference or research tools in Canadian art and architecture from the past year.

The Melva J. Dwyer Award was established in recognition of the contribution made to the field of art librarianship by Melva Dwyer, former head of the Fine Arts Library, University of British Columbia. It is given to the creators of exceptional reference or research tools relating to Canadian art and architecture. The Award is administered by the Canadian Liaison to the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) who is also the Chair of ARLIS/NA Canada, and is adjudicated by a jury of three Canadian art information professionals.

For full award details, including nomination procedures, please visit the award website hosted by ARLIS/NA Canada.

For more information, please contact Cathryn Cooper, Canadian Liaison.

Melva J. Dwyer Award Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the Awards Committee.