Mentoring Subcommittee (Professional Development)
Subcommittee Charge
- A subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee to administer and promote the year-long mentoring program of ARLIS/NA;
- Develop and review guidelines and timetables for the program;
- Conduct a mandatory workshop at the annual conference for participants in the program; and
- Coordinate other mentoring activities and initiatives of the Society as appropriate.
Subcommittee Programs and Resources
ARLIS/NA Year-long Mentoring Program
The Mentoring Subcommittee, under the auspices of the Professional Development Committee, maintains the year-long ARLIS/NA Yearlong Mentoring Program for ARLIS/NA members.
A call for mentors and mentees is made through ARLIS-L after the first of the year; applications must be submitted to facilitate the matching of pairs with similar interests and time commitment requirements. Participation in a mandatory 4-hour workshop at the annual conference gives mentors and mentees the tools necessary to create and maintain a successful relationship.
Members of the subcommittee monitor the mentoring pairs throughout the year to advise and trouble-shoot if needed. The subcommittee's predecessor, the Mentorship Task Force, produced a report that can be found as Hass, V. Heidi and Tony White. "Mentorship Task Force Report, Professional Development Committee, ARLIS/NA." Art Documentation 24, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 49-56.
In order to facilitate optimal matching of mentor/mentee pairs, a short application form must be submitted prior to the annual conference.
Annual Conference Guides Program
If you are attending your first or second ARLIS/NA conference and are just beginning to develop your ARLIS/NA network, the Conference Guides Program provides an experienced ARLIS/NA member to show you the ropes and introduce you to new colleagues. For ARLIS/NA veterans, this is a fine opportunity to make a significant impact on the Society at a personal level.
Pairs will be matched by the Program Coordinator based on information drawn from the registration form and will be notified before the conference. Veterans are expected to contact newcomers prior to the conference, meet with them the first or second day at the conference, discuss the structure and workings of the Society, give conference-attending tips, and introduce them to new colleagues and exhibitors whenever possible during the conference.
Bibliography of Mentoring in Librarianship
Subcommittee Governance and Policies
Refer to ARLIS/NA's Policy Manual for details on the subcommittee's structure, policies, governance, and responsibilities.