Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) accepts applications for its annual Internship Award each fall. This award provides financial support for students preparing for a career in art or architecture librarianship or visual resources curatorship via a grant of $3,000.00 to support a 150-hour internship in an art or architecture related setting such as a library, archive, or visual resources collection.


Who May Apply

This internship aims to represent the multifaceted nature of our field by providing internship opportunities to students currently enrolled in, or having completed within the last 12 months, a graduate program in library science, art history, architectural history, architecture, studio art, or museum studies. In accordance with the policy of the host institution, the internship can be conducted online or on site.

Internship Description

One Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship is awarded per year. Once an award recipient has been selected, they will select an institution to act as host for the internship. ARLIS/NA is not responsible for matching candidates with a host institution, but will gladly assist with the process. (See Host Institutions.) The award cannot be used for an internship that is already in progress.

The intern is required to work online or on site at their chosen host institution for a minimum of 150 hours. In all cases the internship must be completed within twelve months of the recipient being notified of the award.

The intern will write a brief report of the internship experience at the conclusion of the internship.

The Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award will provide a stipend of $3,000.00 to the intern. Half of the award will be granted prior to the internship, with the remainder granted upon completion of the internship and receipt of a letter to the Chair of the Award Subcommittee signed by the internship supervisor and intern stating the 150 hours have been completed. The award recipient will also receive a one-year membership in ARLIS/NA at the student level. Interns may have the option of receiving academic credit for the internship as part of graduate study, but will be responsible for making those arrangements.

Application and Deadlines

Submission deadline is Sunday, December 15th, 2024.

Entries must be submitted by email only. All applicants should receive notification of the results by January 31, 2025.

Deadline for submission of evaluation forms and documents by intern and host institution will be within 30 days of the completion of the internship.

How to Apply

To apply for the award, please submit the following:

  • A current résumé.
  • A current transcript in PDF format [this does not need to be issued directly from the institution].
  • The names of two professional or scholastic references with addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses.
  • An essay of up to 900 words addressing your skills, background, and expectations of the internship experience—including the type of institution you are interested in as well as potential project ideas. The essay should also address the following questions:
    • What are your professional goals and how do your plans for the experience funded by the ARLIS/NA Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award fit into your career path?  In particular, how do you imagine this internship experience to be different from previous internship or work experiences?
    • This award funds a one-year student membership in ARLIS/NA. How do you see yourself participating in ARLIS/NA, or another professional organization, in your future professional life?
    • If granted the internship award, when do you plan to fulfill it?

Applications should be submitted via e-mail to giana.ricci@nyu.edu (Chair, Student Advancement Awards Subcommittee).

Host Institutions

Institutions who offer internships are on the Internship List. The choice of host institutions is flexible and not limited to those in the list. The host institution should be a library, archive, or visual resources collection and be approved by the ARLIS/NA Student Advancement Award Subcommittee.

Student Advancement Awards Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the Awards Committee.
  • Giana Ricci

    Giana Ricci

    Librarian for the Fine Arts


  • Vada D Komistra

    Librarian-Acquisitions Associate

    Committee Member

  • Sam Regal

    Sam Regal

    Instruction and Exhibitions Librarian

    Committee Member

  • Larry E Eames

    Larry E Eames

    Digital Curation & Scholarship Librarian

    Committee Member