Membership Committee

Committee Charge

The Membership Committee coordinates the program for membership retention and promotion, making recommendations to the Executive Board and executing the decisions of the Board. The Committee is responsible for the analysis of membership data to better understand the composition and needs of the Society's membership.


"What Our Members Are Saying" ARLIS/NA Website Feature



The Membership Committee seeks to gather written statements, or testimonials, on how membership in our professional society, the Art Libraries Society of North America, has been of value and benefit to its members. Statements are posted on the ARLIS/NA website in the "What Our Members Are Saying" section. Sharing the statements with others serves to attract new members as well as to highlight current membership diversity and variety in our work settings.

  • Only current ARLIS/NA members may be showcased.
  • When scheduling features, attempt to highlight the diversity of members and of our work settings. Diversity is interpreted broadly, including geographic, ethnic, cultural, gender, age, length of one's career, type of job responsibilities, work setting, membership category (student members, business members, representatives of institutional members), etc.
  • In addition to featuring members who volunteer to participate in this project ("first come, first served"), the "What Our Members Are Saying" Features Editor(s) will solicit contributions from members.
  • Attempt to feature a member from the host chapter during the annual conference.Current Board Members are not featured, but attempts are
  • made to include previous Board members.
  • Business members are not featured during the annual conference when many business members participate as conference exhibitors. Business members may be featured at other times of the year, with emphasis on why membership in ARLIS/NA is important to the individual personally rather than to their business.
  • Employees of the ARLIS/NA Headquarters management firm may be featured if they are members of ARLIS/NA.
  • Current Membership Committee Members are not featured while they serve on the committee.
  • Attempt to feature a new member every other month (aim to mount six new spotlights per year).

Featured Libraries Website Feature

Featured Art Libraries


The Membership Committee seeks to gather written articles about collections, spaces, programs, outreach, and innovations of libraries staffed by members of the Art Libraries Society of North America. Features are posted on the ARLIS/NA website in the "Featured Libraries" section. Sharing the statements with others serves to highlight the collections, spaces, and initiatives of our current members’ libraries as well as inspire and inform current and potential ARLIS/NA members.

  • Only current ARLIS/NA members’ libraries may be showcased. 
  • When scheduling features, attempt to highlight unique and distinctive qualities of the libraries, collections, and services. 
  • Articles should include at least three pictures of the space and/or highlighted items in the collection. 
  • Articles should be about 300-500 words though longer articles will be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Members are permitted to submit articles that have been published locally (e.g. institutional newsletters, blogs, websites, etc) 
  • In addition to featuring members who volunteer to participate in this project ("first come, first served"), the "Featured Libraries" Editor(s) will solicit contributions from members. 
  • Attempt to feature a library from the host chapter during the annual conference. 
  • In general, current Executive Board and Membership Committee Members’ libraries are not featured while they serve on the Board/Committee, but exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Attempt to feature a new library every other month (aim to mount six new spotlights per year). 

To contact the Membership Committee, send an email to

Membership Committee

  • Abigail M Sweeney

    Abigail M Sweeney

    Librarian - Serials and Reserves


  • Carrie Salazar

    Carrie Salazar

    Research & Instruction Librarian

    Committee Member

  • Gilda B Santana

    Director, Architecture Research Center

    Committee Member

  • Hillary Veeder

    Hillary Veeder

    Head, Architecture Library

    Committee Member

  • Michelle Riggs Waller

    Michelle Riggs Waller

    MLIS, CA

    Museum Collections Archivist & Instructional Liaison

    Committee Member

  • Stephanie Fletcher

    Stephanie Fletcher

    Head of Discovery, Metadata, and Technical Services

    Board Liaison