Professional Development Committee

Committee Charge

Investigates, evaluates, and develops methods for delivering continuing education programs at the society, chapter, and regional level; assembles information on professional learning opportunities in the field of art and visual resources librarianship, including internships and workshops, for distribution to society membership; with the society's Open Access Coordinator, manages and shares open-access content created by society members about the profession; support targeted populations for professional development; advises society groups on developing standards, guidelines, and assessment of professional development opportunities; and oversees and reports on activities and initiatives of constituent subcommittees as established by the Executive Board.





PDC Bulletin

The PDC Bulletin, a quarterly update, is compiled by the Professional Development Committee (PDC) to spread the word about professional development resources and opportunities for art information professionals. Your input is welcome. If you have something to share, please contact the committee.

PDC Bulletin

Internship List

The Committee oversees the Internship List, which features paid and unpaid internships in Art, Architecture, & Design Libraries and Visual Resource Centers throughout North America.

Internship List

ARLIS/NA Mentoring Programs

The Mentoring Subcommittee maintains ARLIS/NA’s formal mentoring programs, including the Year-long Mentoring Program  and the Conference Guides Program. Refer to the Mentoring Subcommittee page for more information.

ARLIS/NA Commons and ARLIS/NA Kaltura Channel

Formerly known as the Learning Portal, the ARLIS/NA Commons and the Kaltura Channel are open access repositories of professional development events and resources produced by ARLIS/NA members. The Education Subcommittee partners with the ARLIS/NA Open Access Coordinator and the Commons Manager to develop and manage recorded content from a variety of sources, including annual conference sessions, webinars, Lunchtime Chats, and other Society-driven content focus on current issues most important to the art library community in a rapidly changing collections, services and technology-driven environment.

ARLIS/NA Commons

ARLIS/NA Kaltura Channel

Webinars and Lunchtime Chats

The Education Subcommittee develops and hosts webinars and lunchtime chats on a diverse range of topics important to art information professionals. Webinar recordings and chat transcripts are made available on ARLIS/NA's Kaltura Channel. Members can also organize a webinar or virtual meeting.


Email the committee at or contact a member of the committee per the list below.

Professional Development Committee

  • Suz Massen

    Suz Massen

    Associate Chief Librarian, Access


  • Frances Lilliston

    Assistant Librarian, Cataloging

    Committee Memeber

  • Tess Colwell

    Arts Librarian for Research Services

    Committee Memeber

  • Karen DeWitt

    Director, Design Library

    Committee Memeber

  • Maryhelen W Jones

    Maryhelen W Jones

    Independent Non-commercial Blogger

    Committee Memeber

  • Shannon Marie Robinson

    Shannon Marie Robinson

    Head, Architecture + Fine Arts Library

    Executive Board Liaison

Mentoring Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee.
  • Elizabeth Shoemaker

    Elizabeth Shoemaker

    Head, Bibliographic Services


  • Jenna L Dufour

    Jenna L Dufour

    Visual Arts Librarian

    Committee Member

  • Virginia Seymour

    Research and Instruction Librarian

    Committee Member

  • Jason Speck

    Head, Archives and Special Collections

    Committee Member

  • Petra Warren


    Committee Member

Education Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the Professional Development Committee.